Cheap CDN – Pay Less for Speed

Cheap CDN

Speed Up, Pay Less

Akamai, Edgecast, and Amazon Cloudfront – Some of the big companies that offer CDN services to speed up website content, but their prices can seem a little ‘steep’ in todays market, especially for startups or developers.

The Cheap CDN Approach

Fast, reliable, and affordable services are difficult to find, but here at CDNify we feel that we offer just that. Benefits over other CDNs include –

So how does CDNify fair against the big players in terms of price? We compare ourselves and show how much you could save –

Based on 10TB

Provider Cost Saving with CDNify
CDNify $445
Akamai $3500 $3055
Edgecast $2000 $1555 $1598 $1153
Cloudfront $1200 $755

*All pricing is for US & EU regions.

There are no monthly charges at CDNify and you pay for what you use. With no monthly commitments, not setup fees, and no storage costs, we feel that we offer a competitive service and one of the cheapest CDNs around.

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