Network POP – CDN Comparison

Network POP

What makes a CDN standout amongst its competitors? The short answer: Speed. Speed is the reason it was developed, to offer a service to boost website content for quicker delivery to end users.

Users accessing a website can be anywhere, to deliver content as quickly as possible requires a POP closer to the destination. Here at CDNify we offer over 80 POPs, doubling the average number of locations than any other CDN service. We compare ourselves against some of the industry’s leading providers to see how we fair –

Provider POPs
CDNify 89 49
Akamai 45
Cloudfront 39
Edgecast 24
MaxCDN 11

*Date of comparison: September 2013

CDNify offers 89 locations in the most popular regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia – Constantly growing and adding new POPs to meet demand.

New POPs are added on a regular basis to meet demand, contact CDNify support staff to ask a question or suggest a new location for the next POP.

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