Cheapest CDN Service


Cheapest CDN Provider

With so much choice it’s difficult to find the best CDN for the right price. If your company or business falls into one of the following categories then you could benefit from using a CDN.

1. Startups: New businesses looking to get noticed by having a speedy website.

2. Content Campaigns: Having a big push on content that needs to be delivered to end users to get a message across.

3. Speed up Content: Websites that are expecting to take on many server requests and therefore have a need for speed.

4. Server or DDoS Issues: Being targeted or having issues server side will benefit from backups or data on different servers for alternate locations for user requests.

Comparing CDN Providers

Here’s a comparison of some popular CDNs, their prices, and core features –

CDNify CloudFlare MaxCDN CDN77 MetaCDN
1TB Data $49.00 $20.00/pm
($5.00 for each website+)
($12.00 for each website+)
$49.00 $102.00 $126.00
(free shared)

(available on highest package)
POPS 40+ 20+ 10+ 35+ 50+ 40+
Pay as you go


The comparison table is ranked by price – as you can see CDNify is one of the cheapest in terms of data blocks and most robust in relation to other CDNs, it’s ideal for startup companies or projects looking to boost a site’s content. On the flip side services like and MetaCDN are for bigger companies looking to spend more in exchange for a wider selection of features.

No matter what CDN you choose make sure its performance is up to spec and does what you need it to, it’s simplistic and easy to use, it offers features that other CDNs provide like stats, and it offers help pages and support (preferably 24/7).

Get started for free today with CDNify.

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