About Jamie Ashbrook

Community Manager helping with CDNify support and marketing.

Twitter: @jamash1989  Google Plus: Jamie Ashbrook

New features: Canonical Headers and Pull HTTPS

Canonical Headers and Pull HTTPS

Introducing new CDNify features! Know where your assets are coming from by using canonical headers and ensure your content is delivered safely by using pull HTTPS.

Speed Up Amazon S3 with a Content Delivery Network

Amazon S3 and CDNify

Integrate Amazon S3 with a Content Delivery Network to speed up your website and reduce costs.

New CDN Features: Manage your CORS Headers, Query String Arguments, and More

New CDNify features

Introducing a bunch of new features for CDNify! Manage your CORS headers, query string arguments, and more.

Cache Control – Expire Edge Server Assets Automatically

Cache Control

Control the CDN your way by setting when your resource’s assets get purged automatically.