Content Delivery Networks: An Insider’s Perspective from Bizety


Content Delivery Networks

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) industry has grown considerably over the past decade – We’ve seen the big CDN’s grow, new ones pop up, and an overall boom in the market, so with billions being spent every year we thought it best to sit down and chat with someone who knows this ever expanding ecosystem better than anyone else.

Ernie Regalado, editor and analyst of Bizety, has the knowledge and experience of working in the CDN industry. Bizety is known for being a leading source of news about the Content Delivery Network and Cyber Security industry. Offering the most up-to-date reports on trends, business models, and services within the industry.

We got the chance to chat with Ernie to share his thoughts on the CDN industry, data security, and net neutrality.


Don’t panic! We have more great podcast episodes for you to tune into over on the CDNify blog.

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