CDNify now has over 89 POPs.

50+ POPs have been added to CDNify to improve functionality and overall increasing speed to deliver content faster.

CDNify Relaunches with a New, Sleeker Look, and Offers Huge Reductions on Data to Celebrate

CDNify relaunches

CDNify, the Content Delivery Network for Startups, Developers, and Digital Agencies relaunch their site to make it quicker and easier to set up a CDN and have laid down a challenge to the CDN industry in the process.

Cheapest CDN Service


Looking for a cheaper CDN service than the what the big names offer? Well checkout our price comparison list to see what suits your needs.

Social Networking – How Small Groups Influence The Web

Small influential groups

Small groups make up a larger network. Find out what makes people tick and how content gets passed around.