Speed Up Your Website

As you may know, August has been speed awareness month. Its also been a important month for us at Igniso Limited as we launched Birdsong.fm – which has already had thousands of visitors and been featured on blogs such as Lifehacker. So here is a great example of how a website can be sped up, for the benefit of its visitors.

This site is pretty simple and only has a few pages, but we’re always looking to make improvements. Just today, our front end developer Ben has been making optimisations and improvements to Birdsong.fm and it now loads 0.85 seconds faster than before – which in web terms is a significant time. Giving visitors a much better experience.

Thought I’d just share the most recent repo commit to show just a few of the things than Ben did to help speed this up. We’d already hosted a fair amount of the site on CDNify (obviously!) however, there were a few bits that weren’t yet on CDN. There are also various other little tricks used to reduce the number of HTTP requests and increase load time.


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