About Jamie Ashbrook

Community Manager helping with CDNify support and marketing.

Twitter: @jamash1989  Google Plus: Jamie Ashbrook

Multi-Domain SAN SSL Certificates

Multi Domain SAN SSL Certificates

Find out what Multi-Domain SAN SSL Certificates are, their benefits, and how to apply them to your website.

Poodle Attack: SHA-2 SSL Certificates Explained

SHA-2 SSL Certificates explained

Need SHA-2 SSL certificates explained? We look into the Poodle Attack and tell you everything you need to know about what it is and how to handle it.

Collaborative Developer Hub by ReadMe.io


Collaborative Developer Hub by ReadMe.io – Founder Gregory Koberger talks about his exciting global startup ventures and building a product in 80 days.

Improving the Web with Hampton Catlin and Hugo Giraudel

Hampton Catlin and Hugo Giraudel

Improving the Web with Hampton Catlin and Hugo Giraudel – We discuss the future of the web standards, developer pet peeves, and SassDoc 1.6.