Category Archive: Podcasts

CSS Wizardry: An Interview with CSS Expert Harry Roberts

CSS Wizardry

CSS Wizardry author Harry Roberts talks about CSS frameworks, Sass vs LESS, and the importance of build processes and how they speed up your work flow.

Paul Clifford | Web Entrepreneur | Growing Your Startup & Building an Audience

Paul Clifford - Disruptware

Paul Clifford | Serial Web Entrepreneur | Talks about his decades of experiences in the tech industry and gives advice on how to grow a business.

Interview with Neil Patel: Entrepreneurialism, Bootstrapping, and Growing Your Business

Neil Patel - Founder of Crazy Egg, KISSMetrics, and QuickSprout

Neil Patel, serial web entrepreneur, chats with us about what to expect from starting a business and why you should learn from your mistakes.

An Interview with CSS Expert Chris Coyier on Front-End Dev, UX, and Accessibility

Chris Coyier - CSS-Tricks

Chatting with Chris Coyier | Founder of CSS-Tricks | about modern front-end development practices, user experience, and accessibility.