CDN General Settings
Query Strings
A query string is a set of characters at the end of a URL, holding queries as opposed to post data. If one asset has multiple instances with differing query strings then the default is to cache them all individually.
Within Resource Settings, select “Do not cache URLs with arguments separately” to tell the cache to ignore the query string so it will only be cached once.
For instance, your stylesheet will look like this: “”. With the option selected, it will only cache the asset once.
Custom Cache Expiry
Cache is set to expire by default after 24 hours, with 404 pages cached for 1 hour.
Within the cache tab, set “Cache Expiry” to a custom time, e.g. 8766 - Enter up to 4 digits.
Assets will remain cached on the CDN for the time specified, only being purged either automatically or manually.
GZIP Compression
GZIP compresses files to decrease file size and minimise download time from server to user - GZIP is enabled by default.
Within Resource Settings, select “Disable GZIP compression?” to turn it off. This option is used to reduce the CPU cycles so it speeds up processes on the server.
Test your assets by grabbing the URL, e.g. “”, then inputting into Check GZIP Compression.
Force SSL
Force SSL overrides the standard transmission protocol from HTTP to HTTPS.
Within Resource Settings, select “Force SSL pull from origin?” to tell assets that get pulled from the origin to the POPs to be sent securely via HTTPS, assuming you have an SSL on your origin.
Test by right-clicking on your assets and selecting Open Image in New Tab, it should get pulled over HTTPS.
Pull HTTPS forces assets to be sent securely via the SSL instead of HTTP, even when HTTP has been requested.
Within Resource Settings, select “Force assets to be pulled via https?”.
To test, you can install SPDY indicator, or alternatively navigate to chrome://net-internals/#spdy. You can also head to SPDY Check and enter the root domains or individual pages.