Important: Before continuing, make sure you have Setup Your First CDN.

Manually updating your website's static assets, like images, CSS, and JavaScript, requires you to replace origin URLs with CDN URLs, for instance:


Depending on what you want to update you will need to alter your code to grab assets from the CDN, but the code being altered will live in HTML files, for example your homepage, feature page, pricing page, etc. As your site is mirrored automatically it's easy to find, grab, and replace content.

Find, Replace, & Save

Text editors and IDEs have a find and replace feature to quickly update code - To find code use the following shortcut:

Mac: cmd + f
Windows: ctrl + f

In most cases there's a shortcut to batch process multiple strings like:

Mac: cmd + shift + f
Windows: ctrl + shift + f

Command Line

Alternatively use the command line to find and replace strings. Use the following Sed command for Mac and Linux:

find /path/to/files -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/oldstring/newstring/g' {} \;

What to update:

/path/to/files - Where you want to search.
oldstring - Your origin's URL.
newstring - Your CDN's URL.