Improve SEO with a CDN
In this guide we will show you how to improve SEO with a CDN. We will look at how to use advanced settings to manage robots.txt, canonical headers and CORS headers.
By default, CDNify allows robots to index your resources so bots can categorise and archive content.
Select “Stop robots from indexing your resource on the CDN?” to stop bots from crawling your resources and prevent content duplication from both the origin and CDN.
Test your resource by inputting it into your URL “” - It will show Dissallow, which means bots cannot grab your resource’s content as it’s private.
CORS Headers
Most modern browsers need to know the origin of the resource, if it’s not explicitly stated it could throw an error.
Within Resource Settings, select “Enable CORS headers?” so the origin of the assets is set in the access control header.
Within the command line (Terminal for Mac, MS-DOS for Windows, and Bash for Linux), input
curl -I
. It will show Access-Control-Allow-Headers:, meaning your assets are now showing that they came from the origin.
Canonical Headers
Canonical headers tell the browser your asset origin, this helps to avoid content duplication in search engines.
Within resources, select the “Add an canonical link to your assets?” option.
To test open up your terminal and run the following command
curl -I
replacing “yourwebsite” with the domain you want to test.